
A SURE Foundation!

PAINT is UP (mostly), CARPET is DOWN!!!!!

I will post pics tomorrow of my very FIRST before and afters (just the basics y'all...haven't quite reached the decor stage yet)!

But for now, I will share with you something very special.

Here is what we are (literally) standing on! Special promises declared on a sure foundation.


Daughter's room..


Office (appropriate for a landscape architect, ehh?)

Let it be so!

Jesus, y'all!

There were MANY more...this is just a sampler. You should see what's under our BED! (Our secret!) hehe!

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. So cute...I've been dreaming of doing this when we own our first home. I will start looking/praying about the verses we will use.

    Found your blog via Bianca's blog. =)
